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apiarist 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. beekeeper: a farmer who keeps bees for their honey
  2. (apiary) a shed containing a number of beehives
  3. A beekeeper is a person who keeps honey bees for the purposes of securing commodities such as honey, beeswax, pollen; pollinating fruits and vegetables; raising queens and bees for sale to other farmers; and/or for purposes satisfying natural scientific curiosity. ...
  4. An apiary (also known as a bee yard) is a place where beehives of honey bees are kept. Traditionally beekeepers (also known as apiarists) paid land rent in honey for the use of small parcels. ...
  5. A beekeeper
  6. (apiary) A place where bees and their hives are kept
  7. (Apiary) colonies, hives, and other equipment assembled in one location for beekeeping operations; bee yard.
  8. (Apiary) Group of bee colonies kept in one location (bee yard).
  9. (apiary) a collection of managed bee colonies.
  10. (Apiary) Alternative term for one or more hives which house a colony of honey bees.
  11. (Apiary) The area or location as to where bees and hives are kept, some times referred to as a beeyard.