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apheresis 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. aphaeresis: (linguistics) omission at the beginning of a word as in `coon' for `raccoon' or `till' for `until'
  2. a procedure in which blood is drawn and separated into its components by dialysis; some are retained and the rest are returned to the donor by transfusion
  3. Apheresis (plural aphereses; also spelled aphaeresis, aphæresis; from Ancient Greek (aphairesis, “a taking away”)) is a medical technology in which the blood of a donor or patient is passed through an apparatus that separates out one particular constituent and returns the remainder to the ...
  4. In phonetics, apheresis (aphaeresis; or , from Greek apo away, hairein to take) is the loss of one or more sounds from the beginning of a word, especially the loss of an unstressed vowel.
  5. The removal of blood from a patient in order that certain components (such as platelets) may be removed before transfusion back to the donor; The loss of letters or sounds from the beginning of a word, such as the development of special from especial
  6. (Apheresed) apheresis- Infusion of a patient's own blood from which certain cellular or fluid elements have been removed. [G.aphaeresis, withdrawal]
  7. A procedure where whole Blood is removed from the body and desired component(s), such as plasma or platelets is retained and the remainder of the Blood is returned to the donor.
  8. The process of taking blood, cleansing it or adding certain substances, and returning the blood to the patient.
  9. Pronounced ay-fur-ee-sis,  it comes from the Greek word meaning “to take away” or “to separate” It is a method of obtaining one or more blood components by machine processing of whole blood in which the residual components of the blood are returned to the donor during or at the end of the process.
  10. fractionation of blood by centrifugation, so that specific components can be replaced.
  11. A procedure used to remove platelets or stem cells from a person's blood.
  12. The peripheral blood stem cell collection process in which blood is taken from a patient and circulated through a machine that separates out stem cells. The remaining cells are returned to the patient.
  13. An automated method of separating platelets or plasma from the donor's blood and returning all but that component to the donor. Also known as Automated Blood Collection, or ABC.
  14. Process of removing blood or some component of it from the body
  15. Procedure to withdraw plasma or cells from the patient's/donor's blood with a machine. Can be used to obtain plasma, platelets, or stem cells for transfusion; also to remove diseased plasma or excessive white cells
  16. process of removing a donor’s or patient’s blood to extract a specific blood component and return the unused parts. The process uses continuous circulation of blood from the donor through an apparatus that extracts elements such as platelets, red cells, white cells (leukapheresis) or plasma. ...
  17. a procedure that involves removing blood, separating it into plasma, platelets, and leukocytes, and removing the blood part that is causing a particular disease or condition. The remaining blood parts are then re-transfused into the person.
  18. a type of medical technology used to treat people with active IBD. It is thought flare ups are caused by an increase in white blood cells (leukocytes); during apheresis blood is filtered through a column to remove leukocytes and their products, and the remaining blood is returned to the circulation