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aperitif 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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aperitifs, plural;
  1. An alcoholic drink taken before a meal to stimulate the appetite

  1. alcoholic beverage taken before a meal as an appetizer
  2. An apéritif (also spelled aperitif) is an alcoholic drink that is usually served to stimulate the appetite before a meal, contrasting with digestifs, which are served after meals. ...
  3. Alternative form of apéritif
  4. A drink taken before a meal to stimulate the appetite.
  5. a drink before a meal designed to encourage the appetite: it could be either a commercial product or a mixed cocktail.
  6. A light, pre-dinner alcoholic beverage, such as campari, kirs, and dubonnet.
  7. an agent that stimulates the appetite.
  8. (ah-pair-ee-teef) is an alcohol beverage that is typically flavored with herbals such as fruits, seeds, flowers or herbs.
  9. (m) or apéro. A pre-dinner drink. Also: a general term for the drinks and savory nibbles served before dinner. It is also a widespread custom to invite people over just for l'apéro, which is a more casual way to entertain than a full-blown dinner invitation.
  10. A drink used to gets the taste buds humming before a meal,
  11. Any wine served before a meal. Traditionally, aperitifs were vermouths or other similar wines flavored with herbs and spices.
  12. A drink before dinner such as a cheeky sherry or a flute of champagne.
  13. A fortified or high-alcohol wine intended to be consumed before dinner.
  14. Any wine drunk before eating, ostensibly to induce appetite, but in fact as an excuse to start drinking early.
  15. a term that once meant a before-dinner liqueur drink is now used almost interchangeably with the word cocktail.
  16. (ah-pair-eh-TEEF) wine that is served before a meal for the purpose of stimulating appetite. It may be sweet or dry and may contain herbs or spices, and is sometimes fortified.
  17. a drink enjoyed before dinner in order to arouse one's appetite.
  18. A before dinner, light alcoholic beverage that is used to stimulate appetite
  19. A wine served before a meal.
  20. Encouraging appetite
  21. A refreshing drink typically served before a meal to stimulate the appetite. An Apèritif typically includes gin, vermouth or Campari and includes many of the oldest cocktails.