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anytime 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. "Anytime" is a popular song written by Herbert "Happy" Lawson. The song was published in 1921.
  2. Anytime is a 1997 album by Brian McKnight. This was the last record McKnight recorded with Mercury Records before moving to Motown. The single "You Should Be Mine (Don't Waste Your Time)" became his biggest hit in four years, peaking at #17 on the Billboard Hot 100. ...
  3. "Anytime" is the title of a song by the American dance-pop sibling group, The Jets. It was written by Rupert Holmes, best known for his 1979 hit "Escape (The Piña Colada Song)".
  4. "Anytime" is the 39th single released in Japan on 23 January 2008, just a week before her 6th studio album Kingdom. "Anytime" was the originally scheduled to be released on her 2007 summer single Freaky, but for unknown reasons was removed and replaced by "Run for Your Life".
  5. At any time; "you're welcome" in response to "thank you" or "thanks."