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any 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Used to refer to one or some of a thing or number of things, no matter how much or many,
  1. Used to refer to one or some of a thing or number of things, no matter how much or many
    • - I don't have any choice
    • - do you have any tips to pass on?
    • - someone asked him for a match, but Joe didn't have any
    • - you don't know any of my friends
    • - if there is any left, throw it away
  2. Anyone
    • - they are unlikely to be known by name to any but specialists
  3. Whichever of a specified class might be chosen
    • - these constellations are visible at any hour of the night
    • - any fool knows that
    • - the illness may be due to any of several causes
  1. (used for emphasis) At all; in some degree
    • - he wasn't any good at basketball
    • - why look any further?
    • - no one would be any the wiser
  2. Used alone, not qualifying another word
    • - I didn't hurt you any

  1. any(a): one or some or every or all without specification; "give me any peaches you don't want"; "not any milk is left"; "any child would know that"; "pick any card"; "any day now"; "cars can be rented at almost any airport"; "at twilight or any other time"; "beyond any doubt"; "need any help we ...
  2. to any degree or extent; "it isn't any better"
  3. This influential architectural journal was published by the ANYone Corporation for over 7 years. A total of 27 issues were published.
  4. To even the slightest extent, at all; Any thing(s) or person(s); At least one; of at least one kind. One at all; No matter what kind
  5. work involving HCN or cyanide salts should only be conducted with rigorous training, written procedures, proper engineering controls, predefined emergency procedures, an evacuation plan, and first aid training.
  6. A part. Could be the whole. At least a part. Some amount. Not none.
  7. toxic woman you date. Or have sex with. Or don’t have sex with. Or don’t call the next day after having sex. Or work with. Or share an elevator with. Or smile at. Or don’t smile at. Et al.
  8. allows the declared elements to store any type of content.  This content model does not enforce any validation rules.
  9. information given by Jim's Orchid Supplies and or its employs is only his/hers/ there recommendation. Jim's Orchid Supplies and or it's employees will not be held responsible for results of any information given regarding Jim's orchid Supplies products and or growing orchids, plants ect. ...
  10. Allows the use of pattern wildcards that allow matches to be made with any character. An asterisk () in the pattern matches any string, and a question mark (?) in the pattern matches any character.
  11. valid instructions given to the Company by an Agent of the Customer shall bind the Customer in so far as it affects or alters in any way the Contract in particular where the Company is put to additional cost.
  12. loss of any language or social skills at any age
  13. name, kind, active, visible, location, height, width, bounds
  14. machine is always less than the total energy input.
  15. and many is pronounced to rhyme with nanny, Danny by very many speakers, i.e. with /a/.
  16. ad. one or more of no special kind
  17. No preferred environment.
  18. The ‘Any craps bet’.