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ants, plural;
  1. A small insect, often with a sting, that usually lives in a complex social colony with one or more breeding queens. It is wingless except for fertile adults, which often form large mating swarms, and is proverbial for industriousness

  1. (ant) social insect living in organized colonies; characteristically the males and fertile queen have wings during breeding season; wingless sterile females are the workers
  2. Ants are social insects of the family Formicidae and, along with the related wasps and bees, belong to the order Hymenoptera. Ants evolved from wasp-like ancestors in the mid-Cretaceous period between 110 and 130 million years ago and diversified after the rise of flowering plants. ...
  3. ANts P2P is an anonymous peer-to-peer open source file sharing software written in Java. The project was launched in 2004, and the code is licensed under the GPL.
  4. Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium (ANTS) is an academic conference.
  5. This is a list of characters from the Crash Bandicoot video game. Crash Bandicoot is a series of platform video games last developed by Radical Entertainment from 2005 to 2008; the series was formerly developed by Naughty Dog from 1996 to 1999, and by Traveller's Tales, Eurocom and Vicarious ...
  6. It Happened at Lakewood Manor (also known by the titles Ants and Panic at Lakewood Manor) is a 1977 television movie. After ingesting a powerful insecticide, an army of ants attacks a local hotel.
  7. Antz is a 1998 American computer-animated film produced by DreamWorks Animation. It is the first animated film, as well as the first CGI-animated film, by DreamWorks and the second American computer-animated film after Toy Story. ...
  8. (ant) Any of various insects in the family Formicidae in the order Hymenoptera, typically living in large colonies composed almost entirely of flightless females
  9. (Ant) (Heb. nemalah, from a word meaning to creep, cut off, destroy), referred to in Prov. 6:6; 30:25, as distinguished for its prudent habits. Many ants in Palestine feed on animal substances, but others draw their nourishment partly or exclusively from vegetables. ...
  10. (ANT (Acorn Networking ? (Networking Specialist Company)) Back to/Related subjects - Acorn
  11. (7. Ant) Building tools, pay attention to the pretreatment, the compiler, packaging, testing and distribution.
  12. (ANT) (Proverbs 6:6; 30:25). — Over twelve species of ants exist in Palestine; among them the ants of the genus Atta are particularly common, especially the atta barbara, of dark colour, and the atta structor, a brown species. ...
  13. (ANT) Airspace and Navigation Team
  14. (ANT) Application name table.
  15. (ANT) Perseverance; diligence; teamwork / Seeking safety in numbers, not acting independently; feeling small or insignificant; something pestering you
  16. (ANT) Success in love and business will follow dreaming of ants.
  17. (ANT) a very busy and productive phase
  18. (ANT) acoustic noise test; adenine nucleotide translocator; aminonitrothiazole; anterior
  19. (Ant) An open source Java-based build tool from the Apache Software Foundation.
  20. (The ant) Pr 6:6 See also Pr 30:25
  21. (ant (n)) when sth is finished; This is the ant, my only friend, the ant (the Doors).
  22. (ant) Build tool used by some parts of the jdk7 sources.
  23. (ant) having characteristic of
  24. (ant) hormiga formiga (Cat.); black ant : hormiga negra ; ant nest : hormiguero See ants in Spain
  25. (ant) suffix indicating present action or actor