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antral 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. (antrum) a natural cavity or hollow in a bone
  2. In Biology, "Antrum" is a general term for a cavity or chamber which may have specific meaning in reference to certain organs or sites in the body.
  3. (antrum) A bodily cavity, especially one having bony walls, especially one in the sinuses
  4. (ANTRUM) The cavity of a sinus.
  5. (Antrum) The portion of the stomach where food collects prior to passage into the small intestine, also contains the acid secreting cells.
  6. (Antrum) the bottom part of the stomach near the pyloric sphincter
  7. (antrum) A fluid-filled space between the follicle cells, the development of which marks the transformation of a tertiary follicle from a secondary follicle. ...
  8. (antrum) Greek antron - cave, hence a space in a bone or organ.