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antonym 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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antonyms, plural;
  1. A word opposite in meaning to another (e.g., bad and good)

  1. a word that expresses a meaning opposed to the meaning of another word, in which case the two words are antonyms of each other; "to him the antonym of `gay' was `depressed'"
  2. In lexical semantics, opposites are words that lie in an inherently incompatible binary relationship as in the opposite pairs male : female, long : short, up : down, and precede : follow. ...
  3. A word which has the opposite meaning to another, although not necessarily in all its senses
  4. (antonymic) Of or relating to an antonym or antonyms
  5. (antonyms) words that have opposite meanings: fat and skinny
  6. (Antonyms) Another way of eliciting certain types of vocabulary is to give the opposite word of the word you are searching for. You can say “He’s not sad, he’s…” and your students should say “Happy!” Combining this with miming will give your students a really solid hint.
  7. (2. Antonyms) Like synonyms, antonyms build on words or phrases that students already know. At lower levels, you can use words like rich and poor. However, this does not work for all advanced vocabulary lessons, since rich actually has more meanings than "having a lot of money. ...
  8. (Antonyms) This activity is useful for developing the learners’ awareness of system in lexis (in this case affixation). The teacher can select five words for each group and ask them to find the opposite using a prefix if possible. ...
  9. (Antonyms) Web 1.0, Dot-Com Boom, The Bubble, Closed Systems, Data Silos
  10. (Antonyms) Words which are opposites in meaning. For example – come and go, clean and dirty, good and bad, etc.
  11. (Antonyms) Words with opposite meanings may also be found in the same passage. For example: To be affordable and not expensive, exciting and not monotonous, are qualities of a great vacation. ...
  12. (Antonyms) lucky, rich, secure, wealthy
  13. (Antonyms) opposites (day and night, for instance)
  14. (Antonyms) opposites (e.g., stop versus go, bad versus good).
  15. ([Antonyms) recession (Motion from)]
  16. Antonyms, or words having opposite meanings, are useful for concept and vocabulary understanding, but they do not improve usage. For instance, if you say that superb is the opposite of poor, most students would comprehend the word meaning. ...
  17. n :  a word of opposite meaning. See also synonym, word. Compare homonym, paronym.
  18. A name meaning the opposite of another. For instance, the nickname of 7-Up, The Uncola, depends upon its antonym; the product is defined in terms of what it is not.
  19. A word or term which is opposite to another, such as flammable and non-flammable, as opposed to synonymous (i.e., two words or terms having the same or nearly the same meaning, such as joyful and glad).
  20. a word that means the opposite of another word
  21. The object is to select the word that best expresses the opposite meaning of the question word. For instance, if the question word is miserly and the answer choices are cheerful, generous, parsimonious, recalcitrant, and insidious, the answer is generous, since miserly means to hoard money.
  22. A word to another word which holds an general or specific opposing meaning, idea, or concept.
  23. A word or phrase that is the opposite in meaning of another term. Dictionaries of antonyms are available in the reference section of larger libraries. ...
  24. An opposite: bueno and malo are antonyms.
  25. n.: The opposite of the word you're trying to think of.