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antivenin 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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antivenins, plural;
  1. An antiserum containing antibodies against specific poisons, esp. those in the venom of snakes, spiders, and scorpions

  1. an antitoxin that counteracts the effects of venom from the bite of a snake or insect or other animal
  2. Antivenom (or antivenin or antivenene) is a biological product used in the treatment of venomous bites or stings. ...
  3. an antidote to snake venom used to treat serious snake bites. Antivenin is derived from antibodies created in a horse's blood serum when the animal is injected with snake venom. Because antivenin is obtained from horses, snake bite victims sensitive to horse products must be carefully managed.
  4. An antitoxic serum used in the treatment of snakebites.
  5. A counteractive medicine used against the effects of venom.
  6. substance that prevents or reduces the effects of a venom
  7. Serum that contains antitoxin specific for an animal or insect venom.
  8. an antitoxin to a venom; also : an antiserum containing such antitoxin    Signs & Wonders 7X09
  9. An antidote to venom