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antitype 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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antitypes, plural;
  1. A person or thing that represents the opposite of someone or something else

  2. Something that is represented by a symbol
    • - the ship in danger is easily understood to be its old antitype, the Commonwealth

  1. a person or thing represented or foreshadowed by a type or symbol; especially a figure in the Old Testament having a counterpart in the New Testament
  2. an opposite or contrasting type
  3. (antitypic) of or relating to an antitype
  4. Typology (a.k.a. figura in Latin) in Christian theology and Biblical exegesis is a doctrine or theory concerning the relationship between the Old and New Testaments. ...
  5. Antitype is a genus of moths of the Noctuidae family.