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antitoxin 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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antitoxins, plural;
  1. An antibody that counteracts a toxin

  1. an antibody that can neutralize a specific toxin
  2. An antibody that is capable of neutralising specific toxins that are causative agents of disease; microorganisms including viruses and bacteria
  3. Antibody that neutralizes a toxin. Diphtheria antitoxin, for example, is derived from the blood of horses immunized with diphtheria toxin and is given, along with antibiotics, to treat patients with clinical diphtheria.
  4. AntibodyA protein produced by the body, in response to the presence of a foreign substance, that fights the invading organism. that inactivates toxins produced by certain bacteriaSingle-cell microorganisms that cause infection..
  5. An antibody formed in response to and capable of neutralizing a specific toxin of biological origin.
  6. It is produced by the body and carried in the bloodstream and acts against specific toxins.
  7. An antibody that is capable of neutralizing poisons from animal and vegetable sources.
  8. Antibodies specific for a toxin.