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antiphonal 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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(in traditional western Christian liturgy) (of a short sentence or its musical setting) sung, recited, or played alternately by two groups,
  1. (in traditional western Christian liturgy) (of a short sentence or its musical setting) sung, recited, or played alternately by two groups

  1. antiphonary: bound collection of antiphons
  2. responsive: containing or using responses; alternating; "responsive reading"; "antiphonal laughter"
  3. (Antiphonally) An antiphon (Greek ἀντίφωνον, ἀντί "opposite" + φωνή "voice") is a response, usually sung in Gregorian chant, to a psalm or some other part of a religious service, such as at Vespers or at a Mass. This meaning gave rise to the 'antiphony', a call and response style of singing.
  4. A poem or hymn which is divided into two parts. Each part responds to or echoes the other
  5. Alternating performances between two or more sets of singers to create a 'call and response' similar to 'plainsong' and 'sacred words' used in Roman Catholic or Greek Orthodox church services.
  6. A performance style in which an ensemble is divided into two or more groups, performing alternately as separate groups and in unison.
  7. Also called antiphoner or antiphonary. Liturgical book containing antiphons, the sung portions of the Divine office, both texts and notation. Such books were often of a large format, to be used by a choir, and often included decorated and historiated initials.
  8. 1) Original meaning "of or like an antiphon" which is a chant spoken or sung responsively by two or more groups of people, 2) Alternate playing of phrases in response to each other by groups of instruments which are physically separated (as on a marching field) to give an echo effect.
  9. The music that results when half the choir has been given the wrong score.
  10. A liturgical work containing hymns, psalms, or verses chanted or sung responsively by the choir in a worship service. ...
  11. Responsive singing oas on alternate verses of psalms and canticles between two voices, two sides of a choir, or between the minster and congregation.
  12. describing musical groups that perform alternately in a call-response manner
  13. referring to the prohibition of cell phones in the concert hall.
  14. a type of music in which two or more groups of voices or instruments alternate with one another