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antiperspirant 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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antiperspirants, plural;
  1. A substance that is applied to the skin, esp. under the arms, to prevent or reduce perspiration

  1. an astringent substance applied to the skin to reduce perspiration
  2. Deodorants are substances applied to the body to eliminate body odor caused by the bacterial breakdown of perspiration. A subgroup of deodorants, antiperspirants, prevent odor and reduce sweat produced by parts of the body. ...
  3. (Antiperspirants) Excessive sweating may be controlled with strong anti-perspirants, which plug the sweat ducts. Products containing 10% to 15% aluminum chloride hexahydrate are the first line of treatment for underarm sweating. ...
  4. A product used to prevent perspiration and the odor it causes; usually containing aluminum salt.
  5. a product for reducing perspiration