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antipasti, plural;
  1. (in Italian cooking) An appetizer typically consisting of olives, anchovies, cheeses, and meats

  1. a course of appetizers in an Italian meal
  2. Antipasto (plural antipasti), means "before the meal" and is the traditional first course of a formal Italian meal. ...
  3. an Italian starter for a meal; normally a cold assortment of salami, cheese, seafood and vegetables
  4. A little something that is served before the meal, or as an appetizer.
  5. Italian term describing an assortment of appetizers.
  6. Italian for before the meal. Light food served in a leisurely fashion prior to the first course.
  7. The Italian equivalent of a starter of hors'd oeuvres - Can be served hot or cold depending on the dish. Examples are salamis or garlic breads.
  8. a course served before pasta in Italian meals. Antipasti can be hot of cold -salami, olives, baked aubergine, artichoke hearts
  9. An appetizer served in Italian restaurants featuring salami, cheese, artichoke hearts, olives, tomatoes, and other foods, with a vinaigrette dressing.
  10. A dish of cold meats, hors d´oeuvres and vegetables, which is served before an Italian meal.
  11. [Italian] cold appetizer assortment. Antipasto is the Italian word for snacks served before a meal. These are dishes to pique one's appetite, not quench it. This may consist of one or more dishes of all types of food. ...
  12. a cold meat dish served as a starter in Italian meals.
  13. Italian word for appetizer or hors d'oeuvre. Antipasti are served at table, just before the primo piatto (first dish).
  14. Appetizer or hors d’oeuvre. Antipasto literally means, “before the meal”.
  15. Appetizer or a salad with meats and cheeses.
  16. An Italian word, meaning ‘before the meal’, these delicious plates of hot and cold starters are the equivalent of French hors d'oeuvres. ...
  17. An Italian word, meaning ‘before the pasta’. Comprised of small portions of various foods such as cheese, salamis, hams, olives or marinated vegetables with bread.
  18. An Italian term denoting an assortment of fish, vegetables and processed meats such as salami and Parma ham, served as an appetiser.
  19. The Italian word for snacks, which literally means "before the meat". Antipasto is served before a meal. A course of cold appetizers which might include assortment of cheeses, olives, anchovies, raw and marinated vegetables, sliced sausage, peppers, and artichoke hearts.
  20. assorted hors d oeuvres, Italian style. Often included are ripe black olives, green stuffed olives, garlic sausage slices, salted anchovy curled on a sliced tomato, cooked dried beans in a vinaigrette dressing, prosciutto (thinly sliced fat ham) with cantaloupe.