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antimicrobial 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. capable of destroying or inhibiting the growth of disease-causing microorganisms
  2. disinfectant: an agent (as heat or radiation or a chemical) that destroys microorganisms that might carry disease
  3. An anti-microbial is a substance that kills or inhibits the growth of microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, or protozoans. Antimicrobial drugs either kill microbes (microbicidal) or prevent the growth of microbes (microbistatic). ...
  4. Agent, such as a medication, that kills or eliminates microorganisms.
  5. A term used for a garment that is able to resist, either naturally or chemically, the effects of microbial secretions put off by the human body, resisting odor and increasing garment life.
  6. A chemical treatment added to carpet to reduce the growth of common bacteria, fungi, yeast, mold and mildew.
  7. A substance that kills microorganisms such as bacteria or mold, or stops them from growing and causing disease.
  8. Agent that kills microbial growth. See disinfectant, sanitizer, and sterilizer.
  9. [ Phytopathology - Horticulture ]
  10. Helps the body resist pathogenic micro-organisms which in turn strengthens the immune system.
  11. An agent that acts against bacteria, fungi, and parasites in the body.
  12. A property that prevents the growth repression of bacteria and fungus.
  13. An agent that kills bacteria or suppresses their multiplication or growth. Includes antibiotics and synthetic agents.
  14. A popular term for an agent that protects tissues from invasion by microorganisms or aids in the preservation of food and cosmetic products.
  15. A microbe killing agent applied to carpet.
  16. Antimicrobials helps the body destroy microbes by affecting their growth and multiplication, herbs with this ability include fennel, myrrh, and rhubarb.
  17. Antimicrobial is a wet finishing technique that is durable. It is an application of chemicals that inhibit the growth of odor causing bacteria and fungi. ...
  18. A chemical that prevents the growth of mold, bacteria, mildew, etc., reducing their destructive action to the carpet and eliminating accompanying odors. Applied to carpet at mill level, built into some fibers and applied on-location.
  19. Literally, "against microorganisms". A substance, mechanism or condition that inhibits the growth or existence of an organism. (e.g., fungi, bacteria, viruses and other organisms) Cp, "sterilize, disinfect, sanitize"
  20. A substance that is antimicrobial possesses the property of being lethal to bacteria and other unicellular organisms.
  21. antimicrobials help the body destroy or resist pathogenic (disease-causing) microorganisms by helping the body strengthen its own resistance to infective organisms.
  22. An advanced fabric finishing process, which protects against odor-causing bacteria. Find the antimicrobial finish in our Liz golf collection of updated active fashions featuring advanced performance fabrics.
  23. herbs help to destroy pathogenic microorganisms by enhancing natural immunity of the body.
  24. An additive or chemical that inhibits and kills the growth of micro-organisms on contact.
  25. Agent that destroys or resists pathogenic micro-organisms.