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antimatter 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Molecules formed by atoms consisting of antiprotons, antineutrons, and positrons. Stable antimatter does not appear to exist in our universe,
  1. Molecules formed by atoms consisting of antiprotons, antineutrons, and positrons. Stable antimatter does not appear to exist in our universe

  1. matter consisting of elementary particles that are the antiparticles of those making up normal substances
  2. Antimatter is the 1993 debut album of UK industrial band Cubanate. Notable among the tracks are "Body Burn" which is one of the band's most popular singles, and "Autonomy", which was featured in an instrumental version in the video game Gran Turismo alongside 3 tracks from Cubanate's Cyberia album.
  3. Antimatter, a UK dark gothic acoustic electro rock band, is currently the project of long time member Mick Moss. The project was formed in 1997 by Duncan Patterson (former bassist/songwriter of Anathema) and Moss. ...
  4. John Blair Vornholt (born 1951) is an American science fiction author known primarily for his media tie-ins, particularly Star Trek novels.
  5. When an antimatter particle meets with a matter particle they annihilate each other! Both particles disappear and two gamma rays are produced instead. ...
  6. Any subatomic particle identical in mass to a proton, neutron, or electron, but with the opposite charge.For example, a positron is a positive electron. ...
  7. matter that is exactly the opposite in every way from its matter counterpart: antiquark/quark; positron/electron
  8. the opposite of normal matter. Not usually found outside of a laboratory. When mixed with matter they cancel each other out and and release lots of energy.
  9. A primitive type that provides a rudimentary CSG subtraction operation, removing one solid from another.
  10. comprises collections of antiparticles existing in forms corresponding to the forms of normal matter. ...
  11. Matter consisting of particles with charges opposite that of ordinary matter. In antimatter, protons have a negative charge while electrons have a positive charge.
  12. the opposite of matter, antimatter is thought to have existed in equal quantities to matter at the beginning of the universe, yet little antimatter now exists. One of the Large Hadron Collider's experiments is to find out why.
  13. The 'opposite' to ordinary matter. For every particle of ordinary matter there is an almost identical antiparticle of antimatter: protons and antiprotons; electrons and positrons. ...
  14. Complementary form of matter, in which the single particle has the same mass but reversed charge. The mutual annihilation of matter and antimatter unleashes an enormous amount of energy and is employed to power a starship's systems (generic). See also warp core.
  15. Matter made up of elementary particles whose masses are identical to their normal-matter counterparts but whose other properties, such as electric charge, are reversed. The positron is the antimatter counterpart of an electron, with a positive charge instead of a negative charge. ...
  16. Voyager's antimatter supply began to be drained when they hit some subspace turbulence after exiting the plasma drift; after the 2 Voyager ships attempt to merge, the duplicate Voyager's antimatter drain becomes a "hemorrhage" and will be drained in 30 minutes unless they start the proton bursts ...