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anticonvulsant 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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(chiefly of a drug) Used to prevent or reduce the severity of epileptic fits or other convulsions,
  1. (chiefly of a drug) Used to prevent or reduce the severity of epileptic fits or other convulsions

  1. An anticonvulsant drug

  1. a drug used to treat or prevent convulsions (as in epilepsy)
  2. An agent that prevents, stops, or lessens convulsions; Acting as an anticonvulsant
  3. (anti-convulsants) a diverse group of pharmaceuticals used in the treatment of epileptic seizures. anti-convulsants are also increasingly being used in the treatment of bipolar disorder, since many seem to act as mood stabilizers. ...
  4. (anticonvulsants) (an-tee-kon-VUL-sants): Drugs that prevent, reduce or stop convulsions or seizures.
  5. (Anticonvulsants) Medications prescribed to prevent or control epilepsy
  6. (Anticonvulsants) Drugs used to control seizures, such as in epilepsy.
  7. (anticonvulsants) Drugs used to treat seizures; some are also helpful in treating some pain conditions.
  8. (ANTICONVULSANTS) or anti-seizure medication is sometimes used for migraine after other therapies have been tried. Researchers have shown interest in anticonvulsants such as valproic acid (Depakene) and divalproex sodium (Epival). ...
  9. (Anticonvulsants) A type of drug that helps control seizures, commonly prescribed for people with epilepsy.
  10. A medication used to prevent or treat seizures. Certain anticonvulsants may cause an allergic reaction in some people.
  11. a class of drugs that work to suppress sensory disturbances; they are often used to treat epileptic seizures.
  12. A drug or other substance used to prevent or stop seizures or convulsions. Also called an antiepileptic.
  13. Alternative therapy for bipolar disorder. It is as effective in non-rapid-cycling bipolar disorder as lithium and appears to be superior to lithium in rapid-cycling bipolar disorder.
  14. Medication used to decrease the possibility of a seizure (e.g., Dilantin, Phenobarbital, Mysoline, Tegretol).
  15. Anticonvulsant medicine is used to treat epilepsy and seizures. For example Lorazepam.
  16. Preventing or relieving convulsions. Anticonvulsant drugs are sometimes prescribed to control or prevent seizures occurring in individuals with juvenile (and sometimes adult-onset) HD.
  17. Medication that is used to inhibit convulsions. They are also used as mood stabilizers.
  18. an agent used to prevent or minimize the occurrence or severity of seizures; medication-nutrient interactions can include interference with metabolism of folic acid, carnitine and vitamins B6, B12, and D
  19. a drug that stops or prevents convulsions or seizures. Used in patients with facial pain to block firing of nerves in order to control pain.
  20. Any of a group of drugs that prevent seizures or control their incidence or severity.
  21. Reducing or relieving convulsions or cramps.
  22. A drug used to treat convulsions (tonic, clonic, tonic-clonic seizures) either acutely or chronically. Not synonymous with antiepileptic drug.
  23. a substance that helps prevent seizures and also, helps to reducethe frequency and severity of seizures.
  24. A class of medications developed primarily to prevent epileptic seizures. Many anticonvulsants, including valproate and carbamazepine, are also useful in treating mania.
  25. a type of medication used to treat convulsive seizures, or epilepsy. Some of these types of medications are also used to prevent headaches, even when the headaches aren’t associated with seizures.