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anti 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Opposed to; against,
  1. Opposed
    • - neither side in the debate, whether anti or pro, has offered a particularly convincing case
  1. Opposed to; against
    • - I'm anti the abuse of drink and the hassle that it causes
  1. A person opposed to a particular policy, activity, or idea
    • - a shadow army of antis who endanger your sport

  1. a person who is opposed (to an action or policy or practice etc.); "the antis smelled victory after a long battle"
  2. not in favor of (an action or proposal etc.)
  3. Antaeus in Greek mythology was a giant, the son of Poseidon and Gaia, whose wife was Tinjis. Greeks of the sixth century BCE, who had established colonies along the coast, located him in the interior desert of Libya. ...
  4. Corpse powder or corpse poison (Navajo: ’áńt’į , literally witchery or harming) is a Navajo folkloric substance made from powdered corpses. The powder is used by Navajo witches to curse their victims.
  5. In Egyptian mythology, Anti (Antaeus in Greek, but probably not connected to the Antaeus in Greek mythology) was a god whose worship centred at Antaeopolis, in the northern part of Upper Egypt.
  6. A person opposed to a concept or principle; this sense?) against, opposed to; Describing a torsion angle between 90° and 180°; A word used before a noun or noun phrase to indicate opposition to the concept expressed by the noun or noun phrase
  7. Combining prefix denoting &#145against&#146, &#145reverse&#146 or &#145in opposition to&#146. (See ANTE-, MAL-, PSEUDO-, META-) (MP)
  8. (against): anticuerpo (antibody), antimateria (antimatter), anticoncepción (contraception)
  9. (1). Wooden supports (2). Posts with square cross-sections in the corners of the ancient churches and on the front elevations of some kinds of buildings.
  10. Against, opposite (Greek anti, ‘opposite, against’)
  11. Greek; for (many), on behalf of (many).
  12. A fan who strongly dislikes the idea of Chip and Gadget as a couple, regardless of whom else she should be together with, if anyone. An "Anti" is not necessarily in favor of Dale+Gadget. ...
  13. INFLAMMATORY. Reduces inflammation.
  14. Antipathy means not with love.
  15. against (anti/retro/viral)