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anthropomorphism 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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The attribution of human characteristics or behavior to a god, animal, or object,
  1. The attribution of human characteristics or behavior to a god, animal, or object

  1. the representation of objects (especially a god) as having human form or traits
  2. (anthropomorphic) suggesting human characteristics for animals or inanimate things
  3. (anthropomorphic) Having the form of a man; given human attributes
  4. (Anthropomorphic) Ascribing human form or attributes to a being or thing not human, esp. to a deity.
  5. (Anthropomorphic) this term is used to describe God in human terms in order to tell us something about God.
  6. (Anthropomorphic) (English) An inanimate object that is given human qualities.
  7. (ANTHROPOMORPHIC) Attributing human characteristics to other animals. In the case of comic books, it s often taken to the extreme of having animal characters dressed in clothing, living in homes, and working in businesses. See also funny animals.
  8. (Anthropomorphic) A research method requiring respondents to assign human like characteristics to inanimate objects, animals or forces of nature.
  9. (Anthropomorphic) Giving human characteristics to an inanimate object. For example, fruits, vegetables and appliances are frequently given smiling faces in printed or embroidered kitchen textiles.
  10. (Anthropomorphic) Test to have respondent assign human attributes to objects or porducts being tested. Ex: Would you classify this product as loveable or clever?
  11. (Anthropomorphic) To have attributes pertaining to human function and form; thus an Anthropomorphic Robot Head is a robot head which bears a significant functional resemblance to a human head.
  12. (Anthropomorphic) To refer to animalAny living thing that is not a plant. Most animals can move about freely. All use plants or other animals as food. All have sensory organs. behaviorIn biology, an organism's activity in response to its environment. ...
  13. (Anthropomorphic) actual or perceived relationships between the natural arch and man.
  14. (anthropomorphic) "man-like." Used to describe artifacts or art work decorated with human features or with a man-like appearance.
  15. (anthropomorphic) later Roman gods took on this form, shaped like men.
  16. (Anthropomorphized) To alter an animal (usually, though not exclusively, through surgery) to appear or act more human. The experiments in The Island of Dr. Moreau by H.G. Wells fit this category. Colloquial: "anthro(s)" or "beastie(s)".
  17. Anthropomorphism is the assigning of human attributes to God in order to describe God. Eg: phrases such as 'the breath of God', 'God hears', etc. This does not mean that God actually has lungs and ears, it is just a figure of speech. ...
  18. The tendency to ascribe human features (such as hands or arms) or other human characteristics to God.
  19. a figure of speech where the poet characterizes an abstract thing or object as if it were a person. See also personification.
  20. the interpretation of God in the likeness of man.
  21. The idea that ascribes to God, or a god, the characteristics of a human being.
  22. Attributing human qualities or form, to animals or things. Creating a god in man's image.
  23. The attribution of human characteristics to nonhuman beings or things. A label often misapplied by certain factions of the parrot industry to anyone who even suggests that parrots are capable of emotion, intelligence, or any kind of thought process.
  24. God is described in terms of a man. God is like man in at least some respects. "God's arm is not short that it cannot save."
  25. The description of God in human terms, either with physical attributes (e.g., walking in the garden, Gen 3:8; with white hair, Dan 7:9) or having human urges and feelings (e.g., sorrow, Gen 6:6-7). Also an adjective, anthropomorphic.