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anthropocentric 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Regarding humankind as the central or most important element of existence, esp. as opposed to God or animals,
  1. Regarding humankind as the central or most important element of existence, esp. as opposed to God or animals

  1. human-centered; "our anthropocentric view of the world"
  2. (anthropocentrism) an inclination to evaluate reality exclusively in terms of human values
  3. Anthropocentric is the upcoming 5th studio album by German post metal band The Ocean Collective. It is the second album in a 2 album series, following Heliocentric. The album is set to be released in late 2010.
  4. Anthropocentrism is a concept that human beings may regard themselves as the central and most significant entities in the universe, or that they assess reality through an exclusively human perspective. ...
  5. Placing humans at the center of something, giving preference to humans above all other considerations
  6. (Anthropocentrism) the focus on human well-being that is at the centre of most political thought
  7. Anthropocentrism is a view that regards humans as the central element of the universe. Proponents of this believe that we should only protect and replenish the environment so that it serves human purposes such as producing food and drugs; and that the fate of animals and plants are not morally ...
  8. (Anthropocentrism) (human-centered) is a term used to describe certain philosophical perspectives that claim that ethical principles apply to humans only, and that human needs and interests are of the highest value and importance. ...
  9. (Anthropocentrism) The belief that man is the center of all that is important and that the world exists solely for the benefit or improvement of mankind.
  10. (Anthropocentrism) There is room for unrecognized or implicit social values to enter into research when researchers make comparisons among species. ...
  11. (anthropocentrism) (an thro po sen triz eùm) The assumption that the whole universe revolves around the human species.
  12. Believing that humans hold a special place in nature; being centered primarily on humans and human affairs.
  13. Relating to imagery that predominantly depicts humanlike figures.
  14. relating to humans and their interests. Often prefixed with  strong or weak. Weak promotes enlightened human self interest and has an eye to the welfare of future humans. Strong is a extreme version of human centred attitudes with no obligation to respect other species.
  15. the idea that humans are the most important beings in the universe.
  16. idea that everything on Earth is for human use.