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antedate 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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antedates, 3rd person singular present; antedating, present participle; antedated, past tense; antedated, past participle;
  1. Precede in time; come before (something) in date
    • - a civilization that antedated the Roman Empire
  2. Indicate that (a document or event) should be assigned to an earlier date
    • - there are no references to him that would antedate his birth

  1. predate: be earlier in time; go back further; "Stone tools precede bronze tools"
  2. predate: establish something as being earlier relative to something else
  3. In banking, antedated refers to cheques which have been written by the maker, and dated at some point in the past. In the United States antedated cheques are described in the Uniform Commercial Code's Article 3, Section 113.
  4. To occur before an event or time; to exist further back in time; To assign a date to a document or action earlier than the actual date; to backdate
  5. To date back; retroactively. To date a document to a time before it was written.