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antechambers 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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antechambers, plural;
  1. A small room leading to a main one

  1. (antechamber) anteroom: a large entrance or reception room or area
  2. (Antechamber) An entrance, vestibule, or foyer.
  3. (Antechamber) A small auxiliary combustion-chamber, used in some compression-ignition engines, in which partial combustion of the fuel is used to force the burning mixture into the cylinder, so promoting more perfect combustion.
  4. (antechamber) (10) -- a room which leads to the chief room of a building (Oxford Dict.)
  5. An antechamber is a small side room connected to a larger one. There are several small antechambers mentioned. One is connected to the Entrance Hall,  across from the Great Hall. ...