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antebellum 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Occurring or existing before a particular war, esp. the American Civil War,
  1. Occurring or existing before a particular war, esp. the American Civil War
    • - the conventions of the antebellum South

  1. belonging to a period before a war especially the American Civil War
  2. The history of the United States from 1945 through 1964 was an era of economic growth and prosperity which saw the victorious powers of World War II confronting each other in the Cold War and the triumph of the Civil Rights Movement that ended Jim Crow segregation in 1964 and in 1965 restored ...
  3. Of the time period prior to a war; In the United States of America, of the period prior to the American Civil War, especially in reference to the culture of the southern states
  4. (Latin.) Before the war. In U.S. history, usually applied to the decades preceding the Civil War.
  5. In general speech this term designates the period between 1812 and 1860 .  Strictly speaking, the Latin phrase means "before the war" and could be applied to any prewar period.  In the United States, the label is still used to designate the prewar South.
  6. (pronounced an-tee-bel-uhm) A term often used to describe the United States of America before the outbreak of the Civil War.
  7. of the period preceding a particular war (but almost always used with reference to the U.S. Civil War; that is, pre-1861)
  8. Term used to describe historical era that preceded the Civil War
  9. Built or in existence prior to the American Civil War. Used primarily to describe historic buildings.