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antes, plural;
  1. Put up an amount as an ante in poker and similar games

  2. Pay an amount of money in advance
    • - he anted up $925,000 of his own money
  3. Put up one's money; pay up
    • - the owners have to ante up if they want to attract the best talent
  1. A stake put up by a player in poker and similar games before receiving cards

  1. (poker) the initial contribution that each player makes to the pot
  2. place one's stake
  3. Ante is a Croatian male first name. It is a common Croatian given name which is cognate to the name Anthony.
  4. In the game of poker, the play largely centers on the act of betting, and as such, a protocol has been developed to speed play, lessen confusion, and increase security while playing. ...
  5. (Antes (people)) The Antes or Antae were an ancient Slavic-Iranian tribal union in Eastern Europe who lived north of the lower Danube and the Black Sea (on the territory of modern Moldova and Ukraine) in the 6th and 7th century AD and who are associated with the archaeological Penkovka culture.
  6. In poker and other games, the contribution made by all players to the pot before dealing the cards; To pay the ante in poker. Often used ante up; To make an investment in money, effort, or time before knowing one's chances
  7. (Antes) An initial required bet. In Hold'em, there are blinds instead of antes. See Blinds for more info.
  8. A small portion of a bet contributed by each player to seed the pot at the beginning of a poker hand. Most hold'em games do not have an ante; they use "blinds" to get initial money into the pot.
  9. A small, forced bet that everyone at the table is required to pay before each hand (in games with an ante).
  10. Money placed in the pot before the hand is begun.
  11. In poker, a small portion of the minimum bet that each player is required to put into the pot before a new hand starts.
  12. a term usually used in poker to refer to the first money wagered on a hand, or the minimum amount that each player is required to put into the pot before a new hand can begin.
  13. A prescribed amount posted before the start of a hand by all players.
  14. A small, forced bet which everyone in the hand is required to put in the pot before any cards are dealt.
  15. A small sum of money, placed in the pot by each player. Antes are used in Stud and Draw, but not in Hold'em or Omaha.
  16. The pot. The total amount being wagered upon.
  17. An ante is the minimum bet that each Player must place into the pot before betting begins. The ante is placed before any cards are dealt.
  18. A small forced bet placed by each player involved in a hand before any cards are dealt. The most common poker game that uses antes is 7 Card Stud, but they are also used in the later stages of many Texas holdem tournaments in addition to the blinds. Please note that antes are not the same as blinds.
  19. In card games, a bet required to begin a hand. The initial compulsory bet before you receive your cards in Caribbean Stud Poker.
  20. A bet made before any cards have bean dealt.
  21. More frequently used in tournaments than in ring games, an Ante is a force bet made by all players at the beginning of the hand before the hole cards are dealt.
  22. Once meaning a first-round bet, now a type of forced bet before cards are dealt.
  23. A small bet added to the pot by each poker player at the start of a hand.
  24. A bet required to begin a hand.
  25. The up-front cost of a bet: the money you must pay to play the game. From Latin for "before."