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antarctic 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Of or relating to the south polar region or Antarctica,
  1. Of or relating to the south polar region or Antarctica

  2. Of, relating to, or denoting a phytogeographical kingdom comprising New Zealand, southern parts of Chile and Argentina, and islands in the South Atlantic and southern Indian Ocean

  1. The Antarctic region

  1. south-polar: at or near the south pole
  2. the region around the south pole: Antarctica and surrounding waters
  3. Antarctica
  4. (Antarctica (2006 film)) Eight Below is a 2006 American adventure film directed by Frank Marshall and written by David DiGilio. It stars Paul Walker, Jason Biggs, Bruce Greenwood and Moon Bloodgood. ...
  5. (Antarctica (band)) Antarctica was a band from New York existing from 1995 until 1999 , generally considered post-rock, shoegaze, or electronica, having been compared with early The Cure. ...
  6. (Antarctica (novel)) Antarctica (1997) is a novel written by Kim Stanley Robinson. It deals with a variety of characters living at or visiting an Antarctic research station. It incorporates many of Robinson's common themes, including scientific process and the importance of environmental protection.
  7. (Antarctica (Stargate)) Stargate SG-1 (often abbreviated as SG-1) is a Canadian-American military science fiction television series and part of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's Stargate franchise. ...
  8. (Antarctica (The Secret Handshake album)) Antarctica is The Secret Handshake's first full-length album. It was released in 2004. Besides the Summer of '98 EP, it is the only The Secret Handshake release not available on iTunes. ...
  9. (Antarctica (Vangelis album)) Antarctica is a Vangelis soundtrack to the film Nankyoku Monogatari by Koreyoshi Kurahara, released in 1983. ...
  10. (Antarctica) The world's fifth largest continent.
  11. (ANTARCTICA) Conditions and History of
  12. (Antarctica) (np) 1. Continental land area about the South Pole that is completely glaciated. [den., science] 2. A boring place where nobody interesting ever lived. [conn., Ted Holden] This is a rare instance where Ted Holden forwards an opinion which Velikovsky didn't.
  13. (Antarctica) is a continent on Earth, and is the only continent not inhabited by humans due to its frozen climate. Many Penguins populate Antarctica.
  14. (Antarctica) is a continent surrounding the Earth's South Pole and almost entirely covered by ice. It is not to be confused with the arctic, which is located near the Earth's North Pole. ...