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antagonizes 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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antagonizing, present participle; antagonised, past participle; antagonized, past participle; antagonising, present participle; antagonizes, 3rd person singular present; antagonized, past tense; antagonised, past tense; antagonises, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Cause (someone) to become hostile
    • - he antagonized many colleagues during the budget wars
  2. (of a substance) Act as an antagonist of (a substance or its action)
    • - two other drugs antagonized the antidepressantlike effect

  1. (antagonize) provoke the hostility of; "Don't antagonize your boss"
  2. (antagonize) act in opposition to
  3. (antagonize) To work against; oppose; especially to incite reaction
  4. (antagonize) (vb.): oppose; make angry
  5. (antagonize) incur the dislike of someone; counteract