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antacid 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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(chiefly of a medicine) Preventing or correcting acidity, esp. in the stomach,
  1. (chiefly of a medicine) Preventing or correcting acidity, esp. in the stomach

  1. An antacid medicine

  1. an agent that counteracts or neutralizes acidity (especially in the stomach)
  2. An antacid is any substance, generally a base or basic salt, which neutralizes stomach acidity.
  3. (antacids) medications that balance acids and gas in the stomach.
  4. Antacids are drugs commonly used for indigestion and heartburn. Antacids work by neutralizing acid in the stomach. They generally are not recommended to treat the frequent heartburn associated with GERD.
  5. (Antacids) Medications that work to neutralize the acid level or pH of the stomach juices. Medications such as Rolaids, TUMS, and Milk of Magnesia would be described under this classification.
  6. (Antacids) Most people treat themselves for indigestion by consuming antacids which neutralize stomach acid, inviting the stomach to produce even more acid, often making the condition worse.
  7. (Antacids) Remedies that correct effects of stomach acid and relieve indigestion.
  8. (Antacids) a type of treatment that is alkaline in nature and works by neutralising excess acid.
  9. (Antacids) can decrease the absorption of phosphorus. Laxatives and enemas that contain the chemical compound sodium phosphate and excessive intake of vitamin D can increase phosphorus levels in the body. ...
  10. (Antacids) such as Alka-Seltzer, Maalox, Mylanta, Rolaids, and Riopan, are usually the first drugs recommended to relieve heartburn and other mild GERD symptoms. ...
  11. (antacids) scientific research indicates that antacids change the gastric acidity in the stomach, which can lead to alcohol production by resident bacteria and elevated blood-alcohol readings.
  12. Antacids reduce the bioavailability of misopro-stol acid. Antacids may also delay absorption of diclofenac sodium. Magnesium-containing antacids exacerbate misoprostol-associated diarrhea. Thus, it is not recommended that ARTHROTEC be coadministered with magnesium-containing antacids.
  13. Substances that neutralize excess acid in the stomach and intestinal tract: dandelion, fennel, slippery elm, catnip, mullein and meadowsweet.
  14. Antacids are medicines that counteract or neutralize acidity in the lining of the stomach, used to treat indigestion and heartburn. For example magnesium carbonate and calcium carbonate.
  15. Medicine used to counteract acid indigestion, e.g., Pepto Bismol, Di-gel, Mylanta.
  16. a drug that aids in protecting the digestive system and relieves heartburn and digestive discomfort
  17. An herb or substance that corrects acidity by neutralization, usually in the stomach. (Ant: Acidifier, Syn: Alkalinizer)
  18. acid reflux and opca Than normal will probably look antacid the stomach fire tongue by the stomach.
  19. Corrects acid conditions in stomach, blood and bowels.
  20. A type of medication, usually available at the drug store without a prescription, which buffers, neutralizes, or absorbs acid in the stomach.
  21. a medication that reduces the acidity in the stomach; used to treat heartburn.
  22. Hallucinogenic drugs used by little bugs.
  23. What little bugs get high on
  24. A medicine that helps neutralise acid in the upper part of the gut.
  25. Counteracts acidity.