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another 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Used to refer to an additional person or thing of the same type as one already mentioned or known about; one more; a further,
  1. Used to refer to an additional person or thing of the same type as one already mentioned or known about; one more; a further
    • - have another drink
    • - I didn't say another word
    • - they have two practices, one in the morning and another in the afternoon
    • - she was to become another of his stars
  2. Used with a proper name to indicate someone or something's similarity to the person or event specified
    • - they said she was another Jennifer Aniston
    • - this will not be another Vietnam
  3. Used to refer to a different person or thing from one already mentioned or known about
    • - come back another day
    • - his wife left him for another man
    • - moving from one place to another
    • - it is one thing to formulate policies and quite another to implement them
  4. Used to refer to someone sharing an attribute in common with the person already mentioned
    • - his kiss with another man caused a tabloid rumpus

  1. another(a): any of various alternatives; some other; "put it off to another (or some other) day"
  2. In hacker jargon, the use of yet another as a way of padding out an acronym is fairly common. It was first used by Stephen C. Johnson in the late 1970s in naming yacc, as a humorous reference to the proliferation of such compiler-compilers at the time. ...
  3. One more, in addition to a former number; a second or additional one, similar in likeness or in effect; Not the same; different; Any or some; any different person, indefinitely; anyone else; someone else
  4. other animates: subset under Animate Noun Superset
  5. popular glass made by Anchor Hocking is Vitrock. This glass is a solid white color but not glossy like milk glass. Also, Anchor Hocking made glass in both Royal Ruby and Forest Green. While these glass types were not considered Fire-King they are also very collectible.
  6. review of West's biography, and a different photo of the man
  7. means ‘an additional’ or ‘extra’. It is used with singular countable nouns.
  8. ad. one more; a different one
  9. list of suffixes to know