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anopheles 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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anopheles, plural;
  1. A mosquito of a genus that is particularly common in warmer countries and includes the mosquitoes that transmit the malarial parasite to humans

  1. malaria mosquitoes; distinguished by the adult's head-downward stance and absence of breathing tubes in the larvae
  2. Anopheles, , at is a genus of mosquito. There are approximately 460 recognised species: while over 100 can transmit human malaria, only 30-40 commonly transmit parasites of the genus Plasmodium, which cause malaria in humans in endemic areas. ...
  3. A large genus of over 400 species of mosquitoes, approximately two dozen of which are vectors of malaria. Since the anopheles male does not bite, only the female is responsible for the transmission of parasites.
  4. n. - kind of mosquito. anopheline, adj.
  5. mosquito - Malaria vector