- the state of being anonymous
- Anonymity is derived from the Greek word ἀνωνυμία, anonymia, meaning "without a name" or "namelessness". In colloquial use, anonymity typically refers to the state of an individual's personal identity, or personally identifiable information, being publicly unknown.
- A condition in which your true identity is not known. Your online service provider may allow you, as a subscriber, to participate in online activities anonymously (not known at all) or pseudonymously (taking on a different identity).
- Evaluator action to ensure that the identity of subjects cannot be ascertained during the course of a study, in study reports, or in any other way.
- An ethical safeguard against invasion of privacy whereby the researcher is unable to identify the respondents by their responses.
- research participants cannot be identified on the basis of their responses.
- Anonymity refers to a way in which someone can raise a concern or issue without having their identity revealed to anyone.
- A security service that prevents the disclosure of information that leads to the identification of the end users. [IATF] (see also identification, information, security, users)
- it does not matter who the high and low earners are.
- a state for an individual within a crowd where each person loses their sense of individuality.
- A research condition in which no one, including the researcher, knows the identities of research participants.
- Concealing respondents' identities from researchers, clients, and third parties.
- results from the removal of information which could identify an individual.
- Isaiah’s name, which is used frequently in the first part of the book suddenly disappears from chapter 40-66.
- There are times when we're willing to supply personal information, provided it's not connected directly to us. ...
- Anonymity, referred to in Traditions Eleven and Twelve, is a tool that guarantees that we will place principles before personalities. The protection anonymity provides offers each of us freedom of expression and safeguards us from gossip. ...
- The AA concept of anonymity is expressed in this saying, 'Who you see here, what you hear here, when you leave here, let it stay here.' Anonymity is so important to AA that the word 'Anonymous' is part of its name. To break anonymity is to reveal one? ...
- A condition in which an individual’s true identity is unknown, even to the researchers. Researchers ensure anonymity of participants by assigning them numbers or pseudonyms, and/or by not collecting any identifying information at all (e.g., name, address, date of birth, etc.). ...
- PigeonGrams are anonymous unless you place information in the message that would indicate that you are the sender.
- A cartoon image shows a dog typing at a workstation, and saying to another dog, "On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog." A network removes most of the clues, such as appearance, voice, or context, by which we recognize acquaintances.
- A recipient cannot reply to the message and that email sender's identity (identity meaning the user's real email address or other identifying information such as IP address data) is not and can not be known
- The state of having set aside personal considerations of being named or identified for some greater good, practicing principles before personalities.
- In the state of Florida, the owner (or shareholder) of a US corporation is permitted to remain anonymous. This means that nobody knows who the actual owner of the corporation founded in Florida actually is, not even the US authority in charge of the establishment of corporations. ...
- the basic ethical rule of carrying out marketing, market and social studies. It is based on a concep ... »
- The state of not being identifiable by name or otherwise