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anomalously 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. in an anomalous manner; "this man behaves anomalously"
  2. (anomalousness) anomaly: deviation from the normal or common order or form or rule
  3. (anomalous) Deviating from the normal; aberrant or abnormal; Of uncertain or unknown categorization; Having anomalies; this sense?) Equivocal
  4. (anomalous) irregular; abnormal.
  5. (ANOMALOUS) No in accordance with normal expectations.
  6. (Anomalous) (adj.) – not normal, out of the ordinary
  7. (Anomalous) Highly unusual, unique, uncategorized
  8. (Anomalous) Value of a given element that is deemed to be above the background or normal value
  9. (anomalous) Inconsistent with, or deviating from what is usual, normal, or expected. While "anomalous" can suggest a qualitative difference, in this text it is primarily used to suggest a quantitative difference — in statistical terms, two or more standard deviations removed from the mean — and, ...