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anointing 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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anoints, 3rd person singular present; anointed, past tense; anointed, past participle; anointing, present participle;
  1. Smear or rub with oil, typically as part of a religious ceremony
    • - bodies were anointed after death for burial
  2. Smear or rub something with (any other substance)
    • - Cuna Indians anoint the tips of their arrows with poison
  3. Ceremonially confer divine or holy office upon (a priest or monarch) by smearing or rubbing with oil
    • - the Lord has anointed me to preach to the poor
    • - Samuel anointed him king
  4. Nominate or choose (someone) as successor to or leading candidate for a position
    • - he was anointed as the organizational candidate of the party
    • - his officially anointed heir

  1. the act of applying oil or an oily liquid
  2. (anoint) choose by or as if by divine intervention; "She was anointed the head of the Christian fundamentalist group"
  3. (anoint) administer an oil or ointment to ; often in a religious ceremony of blessing
  4. To anoint is to pour or smear with perfumed oil, milk, water, melted butter or other substances, a process employed ritually by many religions. People and things are anointed to symbolize the introduction of a sacramental or divine influence, a holy emanation, spirit, power or god. ...
  5. Anointed is a Contemporary Christian music group from Columbus, Ohio, known for their strong vocals and harmonies, featuring siblings Steve Crawford and Da'dra Crawford Greathouse, along with former members Nee-C Walls (who left the group in 2001) and Mary Tiller (who left in 1995). ...
  6. (anoint) To smear or rub over with oil or an unctuous substance; also, to spread over, as oil; To apply oil to or to pour oil upon, etc., as a sacred rite, especially for consecration
  7. (anointed) a person who has been anointed, especially for religious reasons
  8. (Anoint) The holy element of a coronation ceremony where holy oils were applied to the heir's body (usually the head) to seal the divine nature of the kingship.
  9. (Anoint) The prayer of healing by a minister, usually accompanied by touching oil (a symbol of the Holy Spirit) on the brow amid a chorus of audible prayer.
  10. (Anoint) To place oil on the head of a person to request healing of an illness (James:5:14-16[14]Is any sick among you? ...
  11. (anoint) The Bible tells of people who were anointed — marked with special oil. This sacred practice was used after bathing, for religious ceremonies, and for the appointment of people to positions of importance.
  12. (anoint) Usually to put oil on something to dedicate it to a particular purpose.
  13. (anoint) to bless with oil for the healing of the sick
  14. (Anointed) Chosen. Usually descriptive of a person, as in "Pastor Bob is a really anointed leader." Carries the meaning that someone is particularly well suited for a certain task or position while implying that God is responsible. ...
  15. (Anointed) Repetition of the same
  16. (Anointed) The members of the spiritual Body of Christ or Christian Congregation, numbering 144,000 (Rev. 7:4-8). Those members of Christ's Body who are deceased are reigning with Jesus in heaven since 1918. The remaining members still on earth, approximately 8,000 are known as the remnant. ...
  17. (THE ANOINTED) The self-anointed "believers" in forced altruism and their own sovereignty over your rights and property. (See altruist (forced)
  18. A good beating. A case for the application of salve.
  19. A term used to describe rubbing a condition oil on an individual. It is sometimes used interchangeably with dressing.
  20. A biblical term to describe the application of oil (a symbol of the Holy Spirit) in an act of consecrating sacred objects or persons, such as a priest or King. It also refers to an endowment of God's Spirit, blessing, or approval upon a servant of God. The Messiah literally means "anointed one. ...
  21. Blessing or magickally charging someone or something with a drop of oil. Candles are usually anointed before their use in ritual or magickal work.
  22. A special grace, blessing or extreme unction from God
  23. In Judaism, it meant being anointed with oil to mark being chosen by God to be a priest or king. In Christianity today, it usually means being “filled with the holy spirit” (another Christianese phrase) and blessed by God… followed by “____ing in the Spirit”.
  24. is the Protestant equivalent of the sacrament of extreme unction. The anointing is made, with oil that has been blessed, if a sick person requests it. ...
  25. The presence and the work of the Holy Spirit in a person's life. "But the anointing which you have received of Him abideth in you...(John 2:27)