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anodyne 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Not likely to provoke dissent or offense; uncontentious or inoffensive, often deliberately so,
  1. Not likely to provoke dissent or offense; uncontentious or inoffensive, often deliberately so
    • - anodyne new age music
    • - I attempted to keep the conversation as anodyne as possible
  1. A pain-killing drug or medicine

  2. Something that alleviates a person's mental distress
    • - an anodyne to the misery she had put him through

  1. analgesic: a medicine used to relieve pain
  2. analgesic: capable of relieving pain; "the anodyne properties of certain drugs"; "an analgesic effect"
  3. In medicine before the 20th century, an anodyne (Greek ἀνώδυνος anōdynos < ἀν- an- 'without' + ὀδύνη odynē 'pain') was a medicine that was believed to relieve or soothe pain by lessening the sensitivity of the brain or nervous system. It is a kind of analgesic.
  4. Anodyne is the fourth and final studio album by alternative country band Uncle Tupelo, released on October 5, 1993. ...
  5. Any medicine or other agent that relieves pain; A source of relaxation or comfort; Capable of soothing or eliminating pain. [from 16th c.]; Soothing or relaxing. [from 18th c.]; Noncontentious, blandly agreeable, unlikely to cause offence or debate; bland, inoffensive. [from 20th c.]
  6. (Anodynes) Herbs that reduce the sensitivity of the nerves and act as that of the analgesics.
  7. (Anodynes) Herbs used to ease pain.
  8. (Anodynes) are remedies which relieve pain.
  9. Soothing, relaxing, elimination of pain.
  10. a pain relieving agent, less potent than an anesthetic or narcotic.
  11. (action) reduces, soothes, or eases pain.
  12. An agent that soothes and relieves pain. See Analgesic.
  13. A medicine or drug which alleviates pain.
  14. Herb relieving pain (applied externally).
  15. Anodyne refers to any medicine for relieving pain; e.g., opium, morphine, codeine, or aspirin.
  16. An herb or substance that soothes, relieves, or reduces pain without causing unconsciousness. (Syn: Analgesic, Anesthetic, Narcotic, Sedative)
  17. relieves pain and soothes disturbed feelings
  18. [an-, not + -odyne, pain] (n) a substance that relieves pain
  19. anodyne is another term for something that reduces pain.
  20. A substance which is soothing and lessens pain.
  21. These herbs are used to alleviate pain by desensitizing the nervous system. Normally safer to use externally in the form of a poultice or liniment on the site of discomfort.
  22. adj. - painless, soothing
  23. Herbs that relieve pain by lessening the scitability of the nerves and nerve centers. Closely allied to antispasmodic herbs. Most anodyne herbs can be used externally as fomentations or internally as teas (infusions or decoctions), tinctures, or powders. A list of Anodyne herbs is available.