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annular 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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  1. Ring-shaped

  1. shaped like a ring
  2. Pertaining to, or having the form of, a ring; forming a ring; ringed; ring-shaped; as, annular fibers; in the shape of an annulus; Banded or marked with circles
  3. (annularity) The property of being annular
  4. Ring-shaped. Many world coins, notably in low denominations, and even some US coin patterns are annular.
  5. ring-like; when the disc of the fruit is prominent, flat or raised and free from the valves [image]
  6. when the moon is slightly farther away from the earth so that in the center of the shadow a ring of the outside of the sun is still visible;
  7. ring-shaped, as in an annular barrel vault.
  8. ring-shapes. Referring to scales that go all the way around the shaft, also called coronet or stacked-cups.  “curved intersquamous lines almost parallel” on some kinds of hair, but if the edges are really irregular, they may be called “irregular annular” and are seen on cows, pigs, goats etc. ...
  9. refers to the convolutions on a hose that are a series of complete circles or rings located at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the hose (sometimes referred to as “bellows”).
  10. In a ring or arranged in a circle.
  11. ring forming or in rings