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annul 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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annulled, past participle; annuls, 3rd person singular present; annulling, present participle; annulled, past tense;
  1. Declare invalid (an official agreement, decision, or result)
    • - the elections were annulled by the general amid renewed protests
  2. Declare (a marriage) to have had no legal existence
    • - her first marriage was finally annulled by His Holiness

  1. invalidate: declare invalid; "The contract was annulled"; "void a plea"
  2. revoke: cancel officially; "He revoked the ban on smoking"; "lift an embargo"; "vacate a death sentence"
  3. (annulment) revocation: the state of being cancelled or annulled
  4. (annulment) (law) a formal termination (of a relationship or a judicial proceeding etc)
  5. (annulment) abrogation: the act of abrogating; an official or legal cancellation
  6. Annulment is a legal procedure for declaring a marriage null and void. Unlike divorce, it is usually retroactive, meaning that an annulled marriage is considered to be invalid from the beginning almost as if it had never taken place (though some jurisdictions provide that the marriage is only ...
  7. (Annulment (Catholic Church)) In the Roman Catholic Church, annulment is a canonical procedure according to the Church's Canon Law whereby an ecclesial tribunal judges whether the bond of matrimony in a particular case was entered into validly. ...
  8. To formally revoke the validity of; To dissolve (a marital union) on the grounds that it is not valid
  9. (annulment) An act or instance of annulling; A state of having been annulled; An invalidation of something, especially a legal contract; A legal (notably judicial) declaration that a marriage is invalid; the procedure leading to it; Total destruction
  10. (Annulled) A legal status occurring when a voidable marriage is declared null and void, as though it never existed, by a controlling authority. Grounds for annulment vary between jurisdictions. Annulment can occur in the context of civil law or within a religious domain.
  11. (Annulment) A legal action that says your marriage was never legally valid, for example, in cases of incest, bigamy, or being too young to consent.
  12. (Annulment) The legal ending of an 'Invalid Marriage'. To the law neither party was ever married, but all the children born of the annulled marriage remain legitimate.
  13. An annulment is an action to set aside a marriage based upon certain limited legal deficiencies.
  14. (ANNULMENT) A legal decree that states that a marriage was never valid. Has the legal effect of wiping out a marriage as though it never existed.
  15. (Annulment) This is the cancellation of a bankruptcy order by the Court. The effect of it is that the bankruptcy never occurred.
  16. (ANNULMENT) a marriage can be dissolved in a legal proceeding in which the marriage is declared void, as though it never took place. In the eyes of the law, the parties were never married. It is available only under certain limited circumstances.
  17. (ANNULMENT) "To nullify, to abolish, to make void by competent authority.  An annulment differs from a divorce in that a divorce terminates a legal status, whereas an annulment establishes that a marital status never existed." Black's Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition. ...
  18. (Annulment) A bankruptcy no longer exists and should be removed from the credit report.
  19. (Annulment) A determination that a particular marriage was null, that is, did not give rise to a valid, binding matrimonial bond because of the presence of some factor recognized in law as preventing a valid bond. ...
  20. (Annulment) A marriage is declared to be annulled where the law does not recognise it as a valid marriage. (This is different to religious procedures for annulment. Any inquiry about church granted annulments should be made through the relevant church.)
  21. (Annulment) An order from a court stating that a previous marriage never legally existed.  Typically, there must be some sort of legal reasoning for an annulment, such as one party was already married, or one party was underage and proper consent was not obtain for example.
  22. (Annulment) Discontinuance of SDRO enforcement action in relation to penalty notices, and referral to the Local Court for reconsideration.
  23. (Annulment) If you were married in the tax year but the marriage was later annulled, you are treated as having been unmarried during the year.
  24. (Annulment) In England and Wales, this is when a marriage is declared void by a court, either because it was not legally valid when it took place or because it has since become not legally valid. ...