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annuitant 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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annuitants, plural;
  1. A person who receives an annuity

  1. the recipient of an annuity
  2. Annuitant defined: A person who is entitled to receive benefits from an annuity.
  3. The person to whom an annuity is payable.
  4. An individual who receives payments from an annuity.  The person whose life the annuity payments are measured on or determined by.
  5. The person(s) who receives the income from an annuity contract. Usually the owner of the contract or his or her spouse.
  6. An investor who is receiving annuity payments.
  7. A retiree or a survivor or beneficiary of a retiree who receives a monthly retirement payment from PMRS.
  8. The individual who owns a registered plan such as an RRSP, Locked-in RRSP/LIRA, RRIF, LIF, LRIF or PRRIF, which is registered with Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA). Also known as a planholder.
  9. An individual receiving a pension from the State Universities Retirement system whose last employer was NIU.
  10. The person receiving payments from an annuity.
  11. In a life annuity, this is the individual who receives the pay out until their death.
  12. Generally, an annuitant is the person for whom a retirement plan provides retirement income.
  13. A person on whose life the annuity is paid monthly. If your employer is entering this policy by paying lump some on you behalf to get the benefit at the time of your retirement, you will be the annuitant.
  14. This is the individual that is going to own the annuity. The reason that exact person needs to be identified is that many annuities are calculated from the age of the buyer.
  15. The person who will receive annuity benefits at stipulated intervals of time such as annually, semi-annually, quarterly or monthly intervals.
  16. The individual upon whom the contract’s life is based. This individual has no rights to direct or alter the contract in any way. ...
  17. a successful plaintiff who, whether by court order or an out-of-court settlement, becomes the recipient of an annuity. This may take the form of a structured settlement.
  18. The person who receives the benefits of an annuity or pension. Also sometimes known as the “beneficiary.”
  19. The person who's life determines how annuity income benefits are paid.
  20. A person that receives benefits from an insurance policy or annuity.