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annotator 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. a commentator who writes notes to a text
  2. (Annotators) (in computing terms) are components (code) which contain the logic that analyzes content (documents, images, video …) and then assesses/extracts descriptive data about the content and adds additional information which assists in describing the content. ...
  3. 1. a "friendly guide" to the complexities of master play, who first cites the MCO column for the game under review, then remains silent until White is a rook ahead, and finally, points out how Black could have held out longer; alternately, someone whose grasp of chess books doesn't extend beyond ...
  4. The component of the RPython toolchain that performs a form of type inference on the flow graph. See the annotator pass in the documentation.
  5. A system function that allows for adding further explanation to a record containing images.