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annotations, plural;
  1. A note of explanation or comment added to a text or diagram
    • - marginal annotations
  2. The action of annotating a text or diagram
    • - annotation of prescribed texts

  1. note: a comment or instruction (usually added); "his notes were appended at the end of the article"; "he added a short notation to the address on the envelope"
  2. the act of adding notes
  3. (annotate) add explanatory notes to or supply with critical comments; "The scholar annotated the early edition of a famous novel"
  4. (annotate) gloss: provide interlinear explanations for words or phrases; "He annotated on what his teacher had written"
  5. An annotation is a summary made of information in a book, document, online record, video, software code or other information, "in the margin", or perhaps just underlined or highlighted passages. ...
  6. a critical or explanatory commentary or analysis; a comment added to a text; the process of writing such comment or commentary; metadata added to a document or program; information relating to the genetic structure of sequences of bases
  7. (annotate) To add annotation
  8. (Annotations) Remarks, notes, case summaries, or commentaries following statutes which describe interpretations of the statute.
  9. (Annotations) The changes or additions made to a document using sticky notes, a highlighter, or other electronic tools. Document images or text can be highlighted in different colors, redacted (blacked-out or white-out), stamped (e.g. ...
  10. (Annotations) Personal notes you can attach to the documents you have saved in your web-browser. The notes are available to you whenever the document is viewed.
  11. (Annotations) Drawings that are added to frames.
  12. (Annotations) Text that can be printed or plotted as opposed to labels that can only be printed/plotted if put into a layer.
  13. (Annotations) [preliminary definition] are an action of the user engaging with the video; they are part of the user activity we would like to stimulate with Matterhorn. This engagement in turn enriches the video for future users. ...
  14. Annotations are like the little Microsoft Office paperclip assistant. Okay, bad example. But annotations are extremely important in providing textual backup to a visual concept. They can be used to explain your reasoning, and they’re useful for addressing potential client questions.
  15. Annotations are summaries of the conclusions reached in selected legal opinions issued by the BOE’s Legal Department. Annotations do not have the force or effect of law, but they do provide helpful guidance. ...
  16. (Annotate) Add brief notes to a diagram or graph.
  17. (annotate) to write a comment on or by a piece of work.
  18. (Annotate) Annotating is linking a simple text note to a content resource such as an uploaded file.
  19. (Annotate) To add 'information or additional marks formulated on a document for enhancing it with brief and useful explanations' (Evrard & Virbel, 1996).
  20. (Annotate) once you have found or added the item, you can add your annotation. The annotation is your own, identified by your name in the publication. If another contributor wants to recommend the same item for another purpose, they will write a separate annotation. ...
  21. (annotate) (v): to attach an explanitory note to. Ad + notare (to mark)
  22. (Annotated) Indicates a Bible containing notes which help explain or clarify the Bible text.
  23. enables the presenter to use a marker tool to illustrate key points during a web conference.
  24. The ability to attach notes to graphics or images by typing them in, using a light pen or digitizing tablet. Useful for clarifying documents or editing images.
  25. Comment specifying the source of each script element that is not wholly fictional, including all characters, events, settings, and segments of dialogue.