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aniseed 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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The seed of the anise, used in cooking and herbal medicine,
  1. The seed of the anise, used in cooking and herbal medicine

  1. anise: liquorice-flavored seeds, used medicinally and in cooking and liquors
  2. The seed-like fruit of the anise, used in baking and in the flavouring of liqueurs such as ouzo
  3. The seed of the anise plant flavors some moles, desserts, syrups, cakes and regional Mexican liqueurs.
  4. An aromatic Mediterranean herb in the parsley family, aniseed is cultivated for its seed-like fruits and oil and used to flavor foods, liqueurs, and candies. ...
  5. Reduces cramping and indigestion.  Do not use if pregnant.
  6. is highly aromatic and has a sweetish scent and flavour. It is a medicinal plant that is used for curing colds, cough, sleeplessness, piles and stomach ache.
  7. A small seed of an aromatic plant used in candy-making and for flavouring some puddings and pastries. The Star Aniseed or Badiyan is also used for seasoning some rice preparations.
  8. n. - dried fruit of anise; cordial made from it.
  9. Crescent-shaped seeds which are a member of the parsley family; used in both sweet and savory dishes; impart a strong licorice flavor and a lightly sweet tone to food.