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animus 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Hostility or ill feeling,
  1. Hostility or ill feeling
    • - the author's animus toward her
  2. Motivation to do something
    • - the reformist animus came from within the Party
  3. Jung's term for the masculine part of a woman's personality

  1. animosity: a feeling of ill will arousing active hostility
  2. ANIMUS is a world fusion music & dance ensemble based in the Philadelphia, PA area. Led by Bill Koutsouros, Animus has been creating music since 1994.
  3. Vamp is a fictional character in the Marvel Universe.
  4. This is a list of villains from the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who. For other, related lists, see below.
  5. In the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game, undead is a classification of monsters that can be encountered by player characters. Undead creatures are most often once-living creatures, which have been animated by spiritual or supernatural forces.
  6. Encantadia is a Filipino fantasy television series (locally known as telefantasya) produced by GMA Network. The pilot episode was aired on May 2, 2005. Its last episode was aired on December 9 of the same year to give way to its second book, Etheria. ...
  7. The basic impulses and instincts which govern one's actions; A feeling of enmity, animosity or ill will; The masculine aspect of the feminine psyche or personality
  8. mental intention of a person concluding a transaction with another or acting unilaterally where said actions had certain consequences in law. The term was also used in the Roman law of delict to describe intent.
  9. (Latin) The rational soul, as opposed to anima (the vital or animal soul); though both words were often loosely used by the Romans, much as we use soul and mind. It corresponds with the theosophical kama-manas, and anima with prana-manas.
  10. an archetypal "soul image" which is the embodiment of the creative, masculine nature of woman's subconscious.
  11. the masculine principle in women, in Jungian psychology.
  12. Personification of the masculine nature in the unconscious of a woman. The animus is often recognized in projection onto spiritual authorities; in this way, a woman's inner image of masculinity finds expression,
  13. [Latin, Mind, soul, or intention.] A tendency or an inclination toward a definite, sometimes unavoidable, goal; an aim, objective, or purpose.
  14. The archetype of masculinity in woman.
  15. according to Jung, the male part of the female personality.
  16. Latin for mind. Jung's term for the unconscious masculine aspect of a woman.
  17. (n) - hostile feeling or intent