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animator 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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animators, plural;
  1. A person who animates something, esp. a person who prepares animated movies
    • - some animators in Europe are looking at much cheaper ways of making computer graphics

  1. energizer: someone who imparts energy and vitality and spirit to other people
  2. the technician who produces animated cartoons
  3. (animating) giving spirit and vivacity
  4. An animator is an artist who creates multiple images called frames and key frames that form an illusion of movement called animation when rapidly displayed. Animators can work in a variety of fields including film, television, video games, and the internet. ...
  5. "Animator" is a song by Pull Tiger Tail, initially released as their debut single by the Young and Lost Club Records label on September 25, 2006.
  6. (Animating) Animation is the rapid display of a sequence of images of 2-D or 3-D artwork or model positions in order to create an illusion of movement. It is an optical illusion of motion due to the phenomenon of persistence of vision, and can be created and demonstrated in a number of ways. ...
  7. One who animates something; one who brings something to life or the appearance of life; One who creates an animation or cartoon; a cartoonist
  8. (Animators) Arthur De Cloedt, Rosemary Welch, Mike Pocock, Janet Nunn, Thomas Barker, Hester Coblentz, Spud Houston
  9. (animators) (AN-i-may-turz): artists who create drawings for cartoons or video games
  10. Generally, the animator is responsible for creating cartoon characters, the most common form of animation, but the process can also include silhouettes, props, and other objects. ...
  11. A facilitator of a junior youth group. Usually (but not always) an older youth who is a loving friend who empowers them to contribute to the betterment of their communities.
  12. the artist in charge of working out how a model will move, and also in using the software to make it move.
  13. A team member that works on the animation. This can be either traditional frame by frame animation or cutout animation.
  14. a human who is able to raise the dead involving a "rare innate magical ability and ritual sacrifice"1. This ability is obtained through genetics.
  15. A person who creates animation.
  16. Activist, Mobiliser. See: animation.