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animate 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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animated, past participle; animated, past tense; animating, present participle; animates, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Alive or having life (often as a contrast with inanimate)
    • - all of creation, animate and inanimate
  2. Lively and active
    • - party photos of animate socialites
  1. Bring to life
    • - the desert is like a line drawing waiting to be animated with color
  2. Give inspiration, encouragement, or renewed vigor to
    • - she has animated the nation with a sense of political direction
  3. Give (a movie or character) the appearance of movement using animation techniques

  1. belonging to the class of nouns that denote living beings; "the word `dog' is animate"
  2. inspire: heighten or intensify; "These paintings exalt the imagination"
  3. endowed with animal life as distinguished from plant life; "we are animate beings"
  4. animize: give lifelike qualities to; "animated cartoons"
  5. enliven: make lively; "let's liven up this room a bit"
  6. sentient: endowed with feeling and unstructured consciousness; "the living knew themselves just sentient puppets on God's stage"- T.E.Lawrence
  7. is the retailing arm of MOVIC and is the largest retailer of anime, games, and manga in Japan. The first and headquarters store of Animate opened in 1983 and is located in Ikebukuro, a district in Tokyo, Japan. Currently, there are 38 Animate stores in Japan, and one in Taipei, Taiwan. ...
  8. AniMates is a simulation-style action game released on September 17, 2007 for the Nintendo DS. In the game, the user has the ability to raise his own Animate from a small baby hatchling to a full-grown, mature Animate.
  9. Animacy is a grammatical and/or semantic category of nouns based on how sentient or alive the referent of the noun in a given taxonomic scheme is. ...
  10. Animation is the rapid display of a sequence of images of 2-D or 3-D artwork or model positions in order to create an illusion of movement. It is an optical illusion of motion due to the phenomenon of persistence of vision, and can be created and demonstrated in a number of ways. ...
  11. (Animation (album)) Animation is a 1982 album by progressive rock singer Jon Anderson (of Yes fame). It is the third release in Anderson's solo discography.
  12. To impart motion or the appearance of motion to; That which lives; Possessing the quality or ability of motion; Dynamic, energetic; Having a referent that includes a human or animal; Inflected to agree with an animate noun or pronoun
  13. (animacy) The characteristic of a noun, in some languages, that is dependent on its living or sentient nature; this characteristic effects grammatical features (it can modify verbs used with the noun, effect the noun's declension etc)
  14. (animated) A dimension of communicator style exemplified by expressive nonverbal behaviors and easy-to-read emotional states.
  15. (animated) Images with characteristics that change over time.
  16. (animacy) A Java Thread that enables concurrent execution, e.g., of a self-animating object. See the chapter on Self-Animating Objects.
  17. (animation) A special type of image file that can store multiple images in a single file and produce the illusion of movement when an application displays the images sequentially.
  18. (Animation) a sequence of frames that, when played in order at sufficient speed, presents a smoothly moving image like a film or video. An animation can be digitized video, computer-generated graphics, or a combination.
  19. Animation is the creation of a timed sequence or series of graphic images or frames together to give the appearance of continuous movement.
  20. (Animation) The creation of artificial moving images.
  21. (animation) a form of filmmaking in which inanimate objects or individual drawings are photographed frame by frame with each frame differing slightly from the previous frame. ...
  22. (animation) A sequence of two or more images that, when displayed in a rapid sequence, provide the illusion of continuous motion.
  23. (Animation) A set of pictures simulating movement when played in series.
  24. (Animation) It is referred to an image that changes over time. A simple example is Abacus logo where the red dot is moving up and down every several seconds.
  25. (animation) The process of sequencing still images in rapid succession to give the effect of live motion.