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animadversion 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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animadversions, plural;
  1. Criticism or censure
    • - her animadversion against science
  2. A comment or remark, esp. a critical one
    • - animadversions that the poet receives quite humbly

  1. censure: harsh criticism or disapproval
  2. A critic is anyone who expresses a value judgement. Informally, criticism is a common aspect of all human expression and need not necessarily imply skilled or accurate expressions of judgement. ...
  3. Animadversions is the third of John Milton's antiprelatical tracts, in the form of a response to the works and claims of Bishop Joseph Hall. The tract was published in July 1641 under the title Animadversions upon The Remonstrants Defence Against Smectymnvvs.Wheeler 2003 p. 270
  4. A criticism, a critical remark; The state or characteristic of being animadversive
  5. (animadversions) disparaging comments; censure (see objurgations)
  6. n. - generally adverse criticism