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angularity 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. angular shape: a shape having one or more sharp angles
  2. the property possessed by a shape that has angles
  3. The Empire ships were a series of ships in the service of the British Government. Their names were all prefixed with "Empire". Mostly they were used during World War II by the Ministry of War Transport (MoWT), who owned the ships but contracted out their management to various shipping lines. ...
  4. Describes the shapes and sharpe edges of the aggregate and sand consistency, used for base materials.
  5. A wine with high acidity sometimes gives the impression of having edges (instead of being "round").
  6. Angular deviation of a surface from its specified orientation.
  7. Angularity is the angle between the axes of two surfaces of a fastener.
  8. (n) An orientation control for geometric dimensioning and tolerancing. Angularity is a condition of a surface, center plane, or axis at an angle other than a right angle to a datum plane or datum axis.