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angora 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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angoras, plural;
  1. A cat, goat, or rabbit of a long-haired breed
    • - angora rabbits
  2. A fabric made from the hair of the angora goat or rabbit
    • - an angora cardigan

  1. Ankara: the capital of Turkey; located in west-central Turkey; it was formerly known as Angora and is the home of Angora goats
  2. a domestic breed of goat raised for its long silky hair which is the true mohair
  3. a long-haired breed of cat similar to the Persian cat
  4. Angora were a band featuring lead vocalist and harmonica player John Corabi, guitarist Jimmy Marchiano, bassist Frank Schmeca, and drummer Robert Iezza.
  5. The Turkish Angora (Ankara Kedisi) is a breed of domestic cat. Turkish Angoras are one of the ancient, naturally-occurring cat breeds, having originated in central Turkey, in the Ankara region.
  6. Angora is a railway station in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania along the Media/Elwyn Line. It is officially located at 58th Street near Baltimore Avenue in West Philadelphia's Angora neighborhood, however the actual location is south of Baltimore Avenue. ...
  7. An angora cat; An angora goat; An angora rabbit; The hair of angora rabbits or angora goats, used to make textiles; The fabric made from the hair of angora rabbits or angora goats
  8. A very new British cat breed that is an oriental longhaired cat.
  9. One of the finest fur fibers made, angora comes from the natural hair of the angora rabbit. It is long, silky, fine, and fluffy, but sheds and mats over time.
  10. A long haired Syrian, normally one with exceptionally long hair beginning at the nape of the neck all the way to the tail.
  11. Angora fiber is plucked or clipped from an angora rabbit. English, French, Giant and Satin are common varieties. Their wool is super fine and silky and also very warm. This is a luxury fiber and higher cost, so it is often mixed with wool or another fiber.
  12. Fiber from Angora goat manufactured in combination with other fibers into mohair.
  13. A certain breed of rabbit or goat with long, silky fur. These animals are sometimes raised for their fur.
  14. The fleece of the Angora goat takes it name from the city of Ankara in Turkey. Since at least the Middle Ages, the farmers near Ankara specialized in raising these long-haired goats for their silky fleece, which they exported all over the world. ...
  15. fiber from an Angora rabbit that is used in a variety of textiles
  16. A natural fibre from the goat or Angoran rabbit. Known as mohair
  17. silk-like fabric made from wool of angora goats
  18. Fine, lightweight and extraordinarily soft fibre produced from the fur of the angora rabbit.
  19. Originally one of three groups in the 7 trials of HABIT tournament, but now usually a reference to a chat room that members of said group started that blurs the line between in-game and out-of-game.
  20. The angora is a small, hard goat native to Angora (Ankara) Province, Turkey, where it has been raised for thousands of years. It is now raised in Texas and South Africa, as well, where its fleece is the source of a specialty wool fiber called mohair. ...