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anesthetic 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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anaesthetics, plural; anesthetics, plural;
  1. Inducing or relating to insensitivity to pain

  1. A substance that induces insensitivity to pain

  2. The study or practice of anesthesia

  1. anaesthetic: relating to or producing insensibility
  2. a drug that causes temporary loss of bodily sensations
  3. anesthetic(a): characterized by insensibility; "the young girls are in a state of possession--blind and deaf and anesthetic"; "an anesthetic state"
  4. (anesthesia) loss of bodily sensation with or without loss of consciousness
  5. An anesthetic (or anaesthetic, see spelling differences) is a drug that causes anesthesia--reversible loss of sensation. They contrast with analgesics(painkiller), which relieve pain without eliminating sensation. These drugs are generally administered to facilitate surgery. ...
  6. Anesthesia, or anaesthesia (see spelling differences; from Greek αν-, an-, "without"; and αἴσθησις, aisthēsis, "sensation"), has traditionally meant the condition of having (including the feeling of pain) blocked or temporarily taken away. ...
  7. (Anesthesia (album)) Anesthesia is Fun People's debut album, released on Ugly Records.
  8. A substance administered to reduce the perception of pain or to induce numbness. An anesthetic may or may not render the recipient unconscious, depending upon the type used; Causing the reduction of pain sensitivity
  9. (anesthesia) Alternative spelling of anaesthesia
  10. (Anesthetics (topical)) are creams or gels that cause the skin to become numb or lose sensation to pain or awareness. Ela-Max is a new topical anesthetic when applied for 1 hour before chemical peels, laser treatments and other skin procedures will lessen the pain. ...
  11. (Anesthetics) Drugs causing unconsciousness such as chloroform.
  12. (Anesthetics) Either applied or injected medication for pain are often called “novocaine”. Many more effective medications are now used and when the types is carefully matched to the procedure excellent results for pain control are obtained for comfortable treatment.
  13. (Anesthetics) Prior to the 1840s patients would sing hymns, bit a bullet, get drunk, or take opium to distract themselves from the horrific pains of surgery. ...
  14. Anesthetics are a family of substances that reduce pain.
  15. (anesthesia) Loss of sensation in any part of the body induced by a numbing or paralyzing agent. Often used during surgery to put a person to sleep.
  16. (anesthesia) lack of a normal sensation brought on by an anesthetic drug.
  17. (Anesthesia) Generally, a loss of sensation resulting from pharmacologic depression of nerve function or from neurological dysfunction.
  18. (Anesthesia) Drugs that a person is given before and during surgery so he or she will not feel pain. Anesthesia should always be given by a doctor or a specially trained nurse. (Read about "Anesthesia")
  19. (Anesthesia) The loss of sensation and feeling. Also refers to the process or drugs used to produce this effect. Anesthesia is used in surgery so that a patient will not feel any pain or discomfort.
  20. (Anesthesia) Medications used to relieve pain.
  21. (Anesthesia) Elimination of pain by inducing unconsciousness or by blocking nerve sensation in an area of the body.
  22. (Anesthesia) loss of the ability to feel pain, caused by administration of a drug or by other medical interventions.
  23. (anesthesia) the use of medicine to prevent the feeling of pain or sensation during surgery or other procedures that might be painful.
  24. (anesthesia (an-es-the-zuh)) the loss of feeling or sensation as a result of drugs or gases. General anesthesia causes loss of consciousness (“puts you to sleep”). Local or regional anesthesia numbs only a certain area.
  25. (Anesthesia) a loss of sensation in a certain part of the body or throughout the body. (Source : AMA)