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androgyny 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. showing characteristics of both sexes
  2. (androgynous) relating to or exhibiting both female and male sex organs but with a predominantly female appearance
  3. (androgynous) having both male and female characteristics
  4. Androgyny is a term derived from the Greek words άνδρας (andras, meaning man) and γυνή (gyné, meaning woman) and refers to the mixing of masculine and feminine characteristics, as in fashion or true hermaphroditism.
  5. "Androgyny" is a song by Garbage, the first single from their third album, Beautiful Garbage, released worldwide in September 2001.
  6. (Androgynous (song)) "Androgynous" is a song by The Replacements featured on their album Let It Be.
  7. hermaphroditism; A state of having traits of both genders [from the mid-19th c.]; A state of appearing to be neither feminine nor masculine
  8. (Androgynous) Androgyny generally refers to someone whose gender expression is a mix of masculine and feminine.
  9. (androgynous) having male and female flowers in distinct parts of the same inflorescence
  10. (Androgynous) (adjective) 1. Partly male and partly female in appearance; of unknown sex. 2. Having the characteristics of a hermaphrodite.
  11. (Androgynous) A lesbian who is neither masculine nor feminine in appearance or behavior.  This person is universally known as Unisex.
  12. (Androgynous) An inflorescence in which the female(pistillate) flowers are basal and the male(staminate) flowers are apical.
  13. (Androgynous) an adjective referring to a person that looks both female or male, or neither female nor male
  14. (Androgynous) refers to a person who does not clearly fit into the typical gender roles of society.
  15. (androgynous) A personality in which there are both masculine and feminine attributes.
  16. (androgynous) adj (plant) androginaPIV; (animal) see hermaphroditic; (person having elements of both genders in personal style or appearance) ambiguseksaSEK; (belonging to neither sex) senseksa
  17. (androgynous) having the antheridium and oogonium on the same hypha. cf. diclinous, monoclinous.
  18. (androgynous) lacking strong male or female attributes, in the manner of David Bowie (a Capricorn). Sara Poiron often finds her male friends (particularly the Gus, Matthew Hart and even Ray) to be androgynous after some time has passed and they have not yet acted in the slimy fashion which, with ...
  19. Technically referring to the union of both sexes in one individual, this term is often equated with hermaphrodism. Feminist writers and critics, though, use it to refer to the culturally, rather than biologically, determine characteristics. ...
  20. A gender role that combines male and female characteristics.
  21. 1978. Spatial environment for 4 computer-synthesized soundtracks. 2-Melbourne SMLP-4042-43
  22. Generically speaking, someone who exhibits both masculine or feminine gender traits. Might also go by: gender fluid, genderqueer, or David Bowie.
  23. A person who identifies as both or neither of the two culturally defined genders, a person who expresses merged culturally defined genders, or a person who expresses merged culturally/stereotypically feminine and masculine characteristics or mainly neutral characteristics.
  24. is the quality exhibited by people who are difficult to identify as either clearly male or clearly female. Some trans people whose genders cannot be classified as strictly male or strictly female call themselves androgynes.
  25. In this type of society social roles are not assigned on the basis of sex or concept of masculinity or feminity.