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androgen 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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androgens, plural;
  1. A male sex hormone, such as testosterone

  1. male sex hormone that is produced in the testes and responsible for typical male sexual characteristics
  2. (androgenic) of or related to the male hormone androgen
  3. (androgeny) androgenesis: male parthenogenesis in which the embryo contains only paternal chromosomes due to the failure of the egg nucleus to participate in fertilization
  4. Androgen, also called androgenic hormones or testoids, is the generic term for any natural or synthetic compound, usually a steroid hormone, that stimulates or controls the development and maintenance of male characteristics in vertebrates by binding to androgen receptors. ...
  5. (Androgeny) Androgyny is a term derived from the Greek words άνδρας (andras, meaning man) and γυνή (gyné, meaning woman) and refers to the mixing of masculine and feminine characteristics, as in fashion or true hermaphroditism.
  6. (androgenic) producing or accentuating male sexual characteristics (body hair, deepened voice, male pattern baldness). ...
  7. (Androgens) Male sex hormones such as testosterone and DHEAS.
  8. (Androgens) A group of hormones that cause male sexual characteristics to develop. The testes and adrenal glands in males make these hormones. In females, small amounts are made in the ovaries and in the adrenal glands.
  9. (Androgens) Hormones found in both men and women. The main androgen is called testosterone. It helps maintain muscle, bone mass, and a healthy sex drive in both men and women, and helps regulate a woman's menstrual cycle. ...
  10. (Androgens) Male sexual hormones.
  11. (Androgens) Hormones that stimulate sebaceous glands in addition to other effects on the body. Present in both males and females, androgens are responsible for physical maturation in males and therefore occur in much higher levels in males. Males tend to have more severe acne than females.
  12. (Androgens) A group of hormones made by the glands of both boys and girls. In girls, androgens can cause excess facial hair and acne.
  13. (Androgens) A steroid hormone that develops and maintains masculine characteristics. They also are potent stimulators of linear growth in children whose epiphyses has not closed yet. They also promote muscle growth.
  14. (Androgens) Decline in production of male hormones, in both men and women, is associated with many of the "menopausal" changes.
  15. (Androgens) General term for hormones that have masculinizing features. Both males and females produce them. They cause the sebaceous gland to enlarge and produce more sebum, an important factor in the development of acne.
  16. (Androgens) Male hormones normally produced in small quantities by the female ovaries and adrenal glands, with the greatest quantities occurring at the midpoint of a woman's menstrual cycle. ...
  17. (Androgens) Male sex hormones that are present in both men and women but in different quantities and producing different effects.
  18. (Androgens) Sex hormones which are present in much higher concentrations in men than women.
  19. (Androgens) Steroids containing 18 carbons that have masculinizing effects; primarily those hormones (such as testosterone) secreted by the testes, although weaker androgens are also secreted by the adrenal cortex.
  20. (Androgens) The increased capacity for aromatization results in hypoandrogenism in males, as more circulating testosterone is converted to oestrogen ^[15]. ...
  21. (androgens) General name given to the sex hormones that predominate in males
  22. Androgens are hormones (molecules or chemical messengers) made mostly by the testes, but also made to a lesser extent in the adrenal glands located above the kidneys, and in the ovaries. ...
  23. Androgens are hormones that help to develop sex organs in men. They also contribute to sexual function in men and women.
  24. (Androgeny) A look of indeterminate gender, often featuring traits associated with the opposite gender to the wearer. examples
  25. (Androgeny) A view of maturity that requires humans to integrate the male (rational, efficient, scientific) and female (affective, compassionate, artistic) elements of their nature in order to achieve balance. ...