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anchovy 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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anchovies, plural;
  1. A small shoaling fish of commercial importance as a food fish and as bait. It is strongly flavored and is usually preserved in salt and oil

  1. tiny fishes usually canned or salted; used for hors d'oeuvres or as seasoning in sauces
  2. small herring-like plankton-eating fishes often canned whole or as paste; abundant in tropical waters worldwide
  3. Anchovies are a family (Engraulidae) of small, common salt-water forage fish. There are about 140 species in 16 genera, found in the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans. Anchovies are usually classified as an oily fish.
  4. (Anchovies (EP)) Anchovies is a 3-track EP by English folk musician David Thomas Broughton.
  5. Any small saltwater fish of the Engraulidae family, consisting of 160 species in 16 genera, widely used as food
  6. (ANCHOVIES) Tiny saltwater fish, related to sardines; most often found as canned filets that have been salted and preserved in oil. ...
  7. (ANCHOVIES (flat, canned)) Used for salads and Italian and French cooking. Buy in cans from Portugal or Spain. Very salty.
  8. (Anchovies) Small silver fish which are similar to herring. Anchovies are used to make Worcestershire sauce, green goddess dressing and remoulade sauce
  9. (Anchovies) Small, silvery fish that are usually cured with salt. Many are then tightly packed with oil in flat two-ounce tins, but salt-cured anchovies are also available. These should be rinsed, and may need to be filleted before using.
  10. (anchovies) Small fish that are often filleted, packed in oil, and canned.
  11. An oily fish, anchovy fillets often preserved in salt. Anchovy essence is also available. both used as flavurings.
  12. is any member of the more than 100 species of small, largely marine, herring-like fish comprising the family Engraulidae. ...
  13. There are many species of small, silvery fish known as "anchovies," but the true anchovy comes from the Mediterranean and southern European coastlines. Often filleted, salt-cured, and canned in oil. Used sparingly to flavor foods.
  14. A very small fish from the herring family
  15. tiny, strong-flavored fish sometimes used to stuff olives.
  16. An anchovy is a small fish, similar to a sardine.  Has quite a salty flavour.
  17. 1. noun a type of small fish that tastes of salt and is often preserved in oil
  18. Anchovies vary in size and can be bought either fresh or cured. Fresh anchovies look and taste similar to sardines. They’re not easy to find in the UK because there isn’t a great demand for them, but try Italian or Spanish delis.
  19. A species of  4- to 8-inch baitfish found in the ocean that is also a popular bait used for striped bass at places like Lake Powell, Lake Mead, Lake Mohave and Lake Pleasant but can be used for catfish as well.
  20. A small, herring-like fish found in the Mediterranean Sea. It is often preserved in oil and used in salads, spreads or packaged and sold in paste form as a flavoring.
  21. An oily fish related to the herring, anchovy fillets are covered in salt for anything between a month and a year; use sparingly as their saltiness goes a long way.
  22. Perhaps because they are both fish and salt - two common aphrodisiacs the world over - anchovies have a well-established reputation as a sexual stimulant.