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anathematize 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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anathematizing, present participle; anathematized, past tense; anathematised, past participle; anathematizes, 3rd person singular present; anathematising, present participle; anathematises, 3rd person singular present; anathematised, past tense; anathematized, past participle;
  1. Curse; condemn
    • - she anathematized Tom as the despoiler of a helpless widow

  1. accurse: curse or declare to be evil or anathema or threaten with divine punishment
  2. (anathematization) the formal act of pronouncing (someone or something) accursed
  3. Anathema (from Koine Greek ἀνάθεμα "something dedicated, especially dedicated to evil” from ἀνατίθημι anatithēmi, "I set upon, offer as a votive gift") originally meant something lifted up as an offering to the gods; it later evolved to mean: # to be formally set apart; # banished, exiled, ...
  4. To cause to be, or to declare as, an anathema or evil